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Optical Sheets

Light Guide Plate: Key Applications and Customization Trends

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents As a leading company specializing in custom LED backlighting and LCD repair ...
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Optical Sheets

The funtion of LCD Polarizer Film in Liquid Crystal Displays: Enhancing Display Performance and Functionality

LCD polarizer film is a key component in the functionality of a liquid crystal display (LCD) screen. It plays an important role in enhancing ...
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Industry Knowledge

What’s the difference between light guide plate and Diffusion Plate?

What's the difference between light guide plate and Diffusion Plate? In the field of LED backlights and LCD repair parts, light guide plate and diffusion ...
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Industry Knowledge

Exploring LCD Polarizer film: Origins, Concepts, Structures, and Future Trends

Origin of LCD Polarizer film Polarizer film were born in 1938, invented and industrially produced by Edwin H. Land of Polaroid (USA). Concept of LCD ...
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Industry Knowledge

What are the characteristics of the diffusion panel and its application in liquid crystal display

A diffusion panel is a key component used in LCD displays, usually made of optical materials. It can diffuse and evenly distribute light from the ...
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Industry Knowledge

What is LED backlight? What are the characteristics?

We all know that LCD liquid crystal display itself can not emit light, its light source are provided by the led backlight. Currently on the ...
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